@inproceedings{LPAR2024:Scaling_CheckMate_for_Game_Theoretic, author = {Sophie Rain and Lea Salome Brugger and Anja Petkovi\textbackslash{}'c Komel and Laura Kov\textbackslash{}'acs and Michael Rawson}, title = {Scaling CheckMate for Game-Theoretic Security}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 25th Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning}, editor = {Nikolaj Bj\{\textbackslash{}o\}rner and Marijn Heule and Andrei Voronkov}, series = {EPiC Series in Computing}, volume = {100}, pages = {222--231}, year = {2024}, publisher = {EasyChair}, bibsource = {EasyChair, https://easychair.org}, issn = {2398-7340}, url = {https://easychair.org/publications/paper/6ZDH}, doi = {10.29007/llnq}}